Monday 3 August 2009


When I was asking for comments from a friend of mine - KeithLKL,
he gave me this, a philosophy from Bruce Lee (Chinese Version).



Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. when you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. It is has amazing characteristic of flexibility, adaptability, collaborative, and it would not use brute force as a resolve to confrontation.

水虽然具有非常的忍 耐性,但它有时又能显得无比强大:有时它的力量足以轻易推动巨石。因此一个镇静如水的人,可以凭借其强大的内在力量对付一位嚣张自负的挑战者。

Water are able to tolerance everything, yet sometimes it is incredibly strong : At time, it can move a giant stone with ease. Thus, a person who is still as water, can use it's strong inner energy to fight against an arrogance opponent.

水,当它 静止时是如此澄清,而一旦它汹涌、咆哮时,它又变得那样的浑浊而具毁灭性。当我们心灵宁静时,我们的思想是最清朗的,并且能够极好的自我控制。

When water is still, it is crystal clear. But when it is roaring, raging, it become a chaos of destruction. When your mind is clear, your thoughts will also be clear. This will lead to a high self-awareness level.

水,能够 无视重压而前行。它流过篱笆、流过基底而毫无褪色。它永不分离,没有分裂结帮的派性,在任何情况下都是平等互助的,可以在地球表面的任何物体上流动。

Unstoppable by any obstacle, water may deluge itself to move through trenches, pass through base, yet it's color doesn't change. Water will never separated, as there is no separatist within. it's internal structure aid itself under every circumstances. Thus, the mutual assistance they achieve sustain them throughout it's journey.

如果你与水协作,那么水就是你的朋友,如果你反击它,那么它就会变成你的敌人。一个充满恐惧、惊慌不安的人如果落入水中,极有可能会沉没;而一个平静的 人在水中则可能因水的托力而上浮,正如现实中,如果人们彼此抗争、敌视,那么他们将会旋入无底地冲突、猜疑和憎恨的深渊之中。只有那些高尚守信的人们,才 能够彼此更适应,而更加和平地相处。

If you are in collaboration with the water, then water is your friend, if you counter it, then it will become your enemy. If a fear, uneasiness person fall into water , he will most likely be drown to death. While a calm person will use the buoyancy of water to float. As in reality, if human fight against each other hostilely, they will then throw themselves into a bottomless pit. Only those noble and trustworthy people can adapt and live together in peace.


Be water, my friend...

Translate using Google translation, I just do the tuning part....
But I think everyone have their own version of translation,
based on the way they perceive their live...

1 comment:

  1. We cover/protect our body with clothes.

    If the feeling of insecure surround us, we might even show a face and body of no expression and gesture.
    --- These are protective covers that make people strange.

    I like genuine face --- smile, laugh, cry, angry are the ways to express and release our tension.

    Only the spring that is not too pressurelise or too tight is function well!

    Life isn't a bed of roses but let's warm up our life.
    Take good care of yourself and care for others within our limit.
