Friday 17 July 2009

Good News

Well, I was trying to figure a way out of that, taking life physics it just bad.....
I don't want to go for some kind of foundation again ( that is why I eluded Taiwan Uni education).

To get my question answered, I went for that professor again, I Stumble all the way into his office.( He gave me a name card last time we meet), ask him if I can have some sort of assessment test, to test my command of physics. If I do well, I would be able to go for semester 2 straight away.But according to him, he is heading to overseas soon. Thus unable to provide me a test. My only hope at that point was to do exceptional well in life physics, and get transferring.

Lucikly, the other person who had faced the same fate with me approach another professor.
He was then allow to take advanced physics for 2 weeks for test, to see if he can cope with the progress or not.

Knowing another options existed, I went for Professor Craig Savage again, telling him about this. I was allowed the same thing after he discussed with the another professor. Yahoo! I will take this opportunity with all my efforts...


  1. Actually, the question is do you really feel like you are ready for the course? If you think that you are on it, then just give it your best shot.

  2. KC Teo said..schooling day is most enjoyable time in our life ,especially the university year make no different in the whole life,if you find everything interesting,keen with your study and your career.boy..Are you happy? show your enthusiasm and go for it..Wish you all the best.

  3. Hardship always frame you into a better man,
    Seems you are a bit lazy(personal view),
    harder lesson seems to fit your actual needs,
    as a racist,
    do motivate yourself to prove that Malaysian Chinese can prove themselves straight into Sem 2.
    Do ignore me as I am just talking crap...haha

  4. I am envious at you.... How good english you have... I wish i can... Well... all the best... How huge courage do you have to argue with the Australian professor! ^^

  5. Hmm...
    From the day I know you...
    I know that things will be different when you treat it in serious ...
    Honestly, I 'm sure that this time you can do it..
    Just like old days...
    Good luck bro ~

  6. Thanks for the assurance..
