Tuesday 28 July 2009

Good stuff

Enough of Negative thinking, now it is time to introduce some good things that happened around since my arrival...

Now that I'm officially in Chemistry and Physics (both in semester 2), I have one less thing to worry. My time table is set, and I'm ready to go. Current task swap to do my best in all the subjects I have taken. Which means I will be very busy for quite some time.

I've met some nice friends, and have quite some fun with them. Some of them even give me some very useful advices. This is good, for my improvement.

Physics assignment 1 was submitted and marked. I didn't score very well. Got 62.5/100. This is due to my misinterpretation of the question 4... This means there is still a lot of room for improvement. Gonna work on it

Things to buy are now 99% done. Except for the bike. That is a relief for me, no need to continue my 'to buy list' unless I'm to resupply my food storage.

1 comment:

  1. Since you have to spent 3-4 yrs in Aus, tried to get some new friends, may be some from different deligion,there have a lot of acivity, when you find yourself is so boaring,free to join them. make yr life more lively.nice to know some nice friends.
