Wednesday 1 July 2009

It is decided then...

It is decided then that I will be teaching until 3/7 (Friday), and shall be free 24/7 later on, Until the day I depart.

Yes, that is actually 1 more days than the amount I promised last time ( 25/6-2/7). But well, the school seems to have issues, If I leave after Thursday, Some students will be teacherless. That's, very very bad.

Even So, after my leave on 3/7, the problem isn't solved. The school will still have to find a substitute teacher to replace me ( LoL, substitute teacher also need replacement ). The vice-headmistress asked me to stay, but I issistted to move on, I just couldn't care that much anymore.

How come so many SJKC is facing the problems of lacking teachers? It seems that noone like to be a teacher nowadays, even when they don't have a choice. As far as I know, there are plenty of people who are more qualified (At least in terms of Acedamic) than me, and jobless. Yet they never consider being a teacher. Is It that the wages is too pathetic ? How the society come to a point that only money matter?

Indeed a teacher doesn't get paid well. But he/she's lack is repaided in others form. It is a joy to stimulate others growth, the joy to share your experience. Ok, maybe people are more self-centred. But it aid in your personal development also. Infact. teaching improves far too many areas, like being responsible, sharing, self-confidence, people managing...

It is, by far, among the most benefitial jobs around us...


  1. I really feel interested interviewing howt's pupil
    what story u actually tell them?

  2. ghost, inspiration , education stories?
    They prefer ghost though
    ( they just can't have enough of it)...
    Might because that their life is too boring?
