Thursday, 10 December 2009
To be exact, two weeks have past since I came back.
I worked in pc fair, interview for a job (failed).
Both which I have gained experience,
Particulary about the way they do business (how to con people,haha)
I will write more about it, in time...
Monday, 23 November 2009
Didn't update for quite some time....
Clouded by too many meaningless thing, I really need this travel.
to rediscover and reflect on myself.To be alone and without influence of others.
For somethings can only be learn in silence.
I'm posting here just to inform that I have settle down with no problem in Melbourne.
It is just a couple of days. Wandered around in the city center today, I got into quite some good locations ( both accommodation and travel wise). Will be posting the pictures later.
Friday, 16 October 2009
On my path...
But we do, occasionally.
The journey has started,
On the pursued of dreams.
I'm with nothing but a paper,
Which have numbers and time on it.
Brought to this strange place,
of which I have no memories off.
Perhaps, time has flies too fast.
That the past has failed to register in my memories.
All I have,
Is the path that I am supposed to take.
I was told that it would lead me to my destination.
The pointer was a stranger,
but what options I have,
except of having faith in him.
Time past,
light dim,
hope flee.
The prophesied chance appeared,
Yet my heart is waving.
What if,
this isn't the one I'm waiting for.
What if,
the pointer misguide me.
What if...
Shaking off my fear,
taking my chances,
I ride onto the infamous wind.
Alone I sit,
With the battle of curiosity and pride rage.
In the end,
Pride take hold,
and it muted the other party.
I taken a backward direction,
A unique position it was.
The Images proceeds,
I slowly but surely familiarized the picture.
Of which, with love and hatred,
Both unforgettable.
But Images doesn't stay,
Only distance acknowledged understanding.
The instant it appeared is not treasured.
I will leave it at this state,...
*Pause, observe and feel
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Flashback for pool
"I only contacted pool once in my life, before this. If I recall correctly, the pool players in the first game I played consisted me, Wowyay and Joseph. It was during our Akido trip. It turn out be totally nightmare because none of us have any idea how to play properly,we don't even have any clue how to grip the poles properly, and yet we try and try. For half an hour we struggle to goal - trying to get a ball into the holes. We gotten one in the end, the white ball. There is no fun at all, we end up feeling very boring and decided to not touch the game for good."
I don't know where I get the picture but I always have a bad feelings about pools (Is this is influence of TV?). I always thought it's a game for pub, and pub is evil, stay away for good.
Funny thoughts though, after playing it, feels like it's just a another game that can be learn and mastered. The culture of game is same with all other sports, just that the environment it's portrayed in is usually different - Pub.
Side Note :
Oh, we didn't play in pub, we played in some hall/college until 3am. It's FOC
Eden, additional information

Here's a piece of map of Australia, it shows where Eden is. You could look for Canberra and Melbourne in it as well.
From the map it's roughly 200km, but it take at least a 4 hours drive from Canberra. To my surprise, there is no widely developed highway in Australia (Maybe because it is such a big country). This means that the bus we rode drove though two ways one lane round through the forest and while on a zig zag path. This would normally enable us to see the forest, but it simply isn't possible because we are travelling at night.
We departed from ANU about 5pm, stopped in Cooma for dinner before continue our journey. The trip consisted about 130+ people I believe. We have three big and one small bus. Oh, their bus is nice, at least better than I once experience in M'sia (we got on what they called a VIP seats, luxury ride, but it was crap). But I might just have been cheated on that.
Cooma was a small town, it's main form of income is tourism, skidding I believe. You could notice there is a lot of motel and hotel on the way, along with skidding shops. There is a Snowy Mountain nearby. If you want a skip trip from ANU, here is it.
We then continue to Eden, arrived at something about 10pm. Distributed to our cabin and sleep. Our accommodation for these 2 night is Garden of Eden Caravan Park. Too bad we aren't sleeping in Caravans, instead we get to sleep at the cabin provided.
The Small cabin which we slept in. I found that the Aussies (local) are quite funny. I shared my cabin with two of them. One of them was taking photoes of the cabin. He claimed that he want to keep memory and prove of it so that one day he could tell his grandchildren that he once live in these hobbits house.
Sleeping quarters during the trip to Eden, triple deck. With the limited space, it's hard for me to sleep well, I couldn't imaging what the situation the two Aussies would be facing in these spaces.
I brought nothing (linen, sleeping bad, pillows, blanket) there and they offered nothing. It write that they might offered those, and I happen to decided to test my luck. Never have I heard that a hotel/motel that doesn't provide these. It then turns out they only offered that in another park which is for group A.
Slept without blanket for two days (had to improvise with tower). As it is further south, it's getting very cold, I was awaked several times during the first night because of the cold. But it's very relaxing as our park is near the beaches, you could hear the sound of the wave hitting the beaches while you are on your bed.
*to be continue
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Trip to Eden
Some Photos are taken just for the report.
You might notice that a pen sometime appear in the pictures, it is for scaling purpose.
Edit :Comments added (12.13am 8/10/2009)
Monday, 5 October 2009
Happy Labour Day
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Friday, 2 October 2009
Back, with more problems....
Well, I ain't here to say that things will change, nor I am going to state that things will not change. I haven't make up my mind yet, regarding posting or so...
Having holiday now means that I have plenty of time to spent on whatever I want. And, so far I spent a great deal of time gaming. I played fallout3, world in conflicts so far in the holiday, currently a bit sick of gaming though. But, nothing much to do, it's very hard to bring myself to study, just can't find the mood.
I managed to go through my physics a little. But not much, just read through. Doesn't seems to have problem as long as I don't jump over. Found out that if I go through words by words, I have no problem. This does require extra attention as I always tend to skim through without bothering with minor details, and my attention span is considerably short. Slowly getting the hang of it now.
Spend the half of yesterday (1/10) trying to validate the win7. I could do it 1st time, but somehow fail during my second trial. I just don't understand why it did not work. Could it be that the validation program only work one time?
I am not ready to give out using it yet, it is quite a wonderful windows. Will continue to try ....
You might be asking why I reformat in the 1st place, when win7 is running perfectly. My answer is that eventhough it is running well, I allocated too little space for it (only 15gb), and the windows itself ate up 13gb. This prohibited a few operations I want to run.
When I tried expanding one of the drives using an external program. But not only I failed, but also could not recover the 20gb I used to extend. Oh, it gets better. I then try use reformat the whole drive (only drive C) to extend the drive as well as recover the 20gb. Failed again, both in recovering and extending......
And now I set myself a timebomb, win7 beta only last for 30 days.
By 30 days, I either solve it, reformat, or just leave it.
Well, at least I solved the vista issue, it's time bomb just being diffuse...
Posting some picture up 2morrow, those which I had taken during the trip to Eden....
Friday, 18 September 2009
Coming back on Sunday after 5pm. To face the last week before the break and Chemistry examination that is on Monday. Oh, sigh, what a time table. Good thing is that we don't need to be in a rush to submit ours report, for it is only due one month later...
Holiday is approaching, looking forward for it.
Guess that you guys in M'sia are already enjoying it...
That being say, I did not enroll in any holiday trip though. My friends told me about those and I just felt lazy, dragging along while idling until it is too late. This might be a good thing though, I need some time alone to catch up with everything...
Friday, 11 September 2009
Learning to view things objectively is a tough task, we just couldn't get ourselves out of the small subjective world we built and surrounded ourselves. I am not blaming to specific people, instead I'm complaining about the human nature. The habit that we always put ourselves in the center when interpreting.
And thus, it takes times for human to grow. To learn that we are not the center of the universe. To learn that we are just tiny little planet in the sea of universe. This, in some sense, is not just sience facts, but philosophy as well.
Hand writting ....
Just couldn't discipline myself enough to start.
For those of you that don't know, I have terrible handwriting. People have commented that my handwriting seems childish, and this does not only happen once, but a few times. So basically when I start dotting down a lot of stuff (paragraphs) things start get ugly. Well, not that it is not ugly in the first place, but it just get worse.
Handwriting have been a major set back in my life, though the affects of it are not obvious until now....
Last week, we have a practical seasons during the earth science session. In which we are to hand up our assignment at the end of the session. Most of my friends, who are in the same group as me were clueless. But due to a misunderstanding I made, I done the question beforehand. And thus, my friends, who all want an easier route, copied the answers from me. We even share the same graph and data. Oh, copying is pretty common here, as far as I'm concern, this is normal.
But after the marking, I got the lowest of all, only 7/10. My friends who referred to my answer got 8.5/10 and 7.5/10....
I guess I have to find some other way to offset this weakness....
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Event Report.
I had bid goodbye with the 'gang' I used to have dinner with. The action doesn't take effect immediately though. In order to evenly distribute the food fund we shared, it will only take effect after Tuesday. I guess all that changes is that I would no longer have dinner and shopping with them.
They doesn't seems to care much though, are they expecting this?
The fact that they doesn't care ( Or at least appear to be) is a pain. I do infact care about this relationship. Sigh. This doesn't mean the end of our friendship though, it just mean that our interactions will be far less if compared to the way it was before.
One particular thing that I have done this week, is get my hair cut, by myself. My standards for my hair isn't high, But I wouldn't accept dog-bite hair style as well. Thus, it is very demanding work, as I was afraid that I might create a hole within my messy hair.
It ended well though, at least within my satisfaction ( You have to compensate for my 1st timer-skills). The only thing I didn't do well is maintaining the symmetry of my hair ( left and right is a bit imbalance). I will post my pictures later.
It took me some courage to start. But it wasn't so bad. I keep telling myself, it I really ruined up. All I need to do is go to a decent salon and ask for 1 inch hair.
Sunday, 23 August 2009
The Ruler
In high school, particularly during years of seniors, I practically doesn't care how others view of me. The only thing I know from others is that they find me a bit strange, but that was it. My ignorance caused me to totally hide myself within the my world, a world which I only share with my inner circle of friends.
The reason I went overseas to study is more than pursuit my goal, but to change as well. In a new environment, with no-one who know your past, it is easier to start totally new. I can mold myself into any form I want ( I always thought I was versatile).
Problem is, to find the correct shape ( Character) I want to be, I need some ruler. And so I participate in groups. Wanting to find my flaw, strength. (Sorry, it sounds like I am using others as tools) Thus, even-though I know it all along the group wasn't the type for me ( Basing on their way of life and types of interaction), I still joined, I thought it shouldn't be a problem. As I'm always good at hiding and molding, or at least I thought I was.
But life wasn't a breeze. Since the badminton incident, the only trend I find the relationship is going is downwards. And I actually drag until now to make a decision, a move. What was I waiting? Could somehow another incident happen to change the tide?
I had been a fool who only wait for his destiny call, Not taking any action to cure the source. It is as if I believe time will solve the problems....
How pathetic...
At least it is solved now, I felt a mixture of feelings when I announce that I'm not going to have dinner with them anymore. A mixture of sad and happy, reluctant that our interactions is going to an end, yet relieve that this is all over.
But nothing stands the test of time, I just can't be myself in this gang (Is it worthy enough to be called as a gang? ). The relationship I have with them did not change it's course. It just stay that way through this one month period, and even gone worse at some point.
There are many issues that arises to cause the fault. With the first and main course is probably the relationship I have with A. A one of the main character in the group (Although he did not live in Fenner, yet ). He is by far one of the most talkative, out-spoken person I meet. This spread his influence wide and I guess it affected everyone. He still refuse to greet back against me when I run into him on Campus. And he actually wrote on his spaces (pointing that I am a source of his unhappiness). Oh crap, I think he did that purposely, there's no way he wasn't aware that I'm in his messenger list. He added me during the start of the semester.
Which is why I don't link blogs, MSN, Facebook together. It might be convenient for others to keep you on-track. But in the case of A, writing out unfavorable things like this not only deteriorate the relationship between me and him, but also influenced our friends....
I guess he wants me out badly...
Secondly, I guess it could be that we just have no common topic. They like to gossip (A being the main topic bringer) about how is their high school mates doing, how is things like in Johor. 90% of the time they are just gossiping (usually this isn't some good, positive rumors ). And the other 5% they might be discussing about Financial or Economics, as they study under those discipline. This means that I can give no input into the discussion. Which means I practically just sit there doing nothing while listening to their talks.
Well, there is nothing wrong with being quiet all the time. Those of you who know me well should know that, my personalities changed into a withdraw or self-isolated person whatever I came across a stranger. I will only be active with I'm with my close friends. Staying quiet all the time just doesn't make me feel that I belong here. Also, this could means that they are stranger to my unconsciousness?
Whats more...
Hmm, I never mention polarization in society to any of you guys right ?
Polarization ( is the uneven distribution of electrons - Chemistry).
In my experience, it is one of the greatest force that shape us. With the help of Polarization , people can shirt their abilities and talents easily.
An example would illustrate the idea better. Let's consider if a person do very well in a mathematical test in the start of the semester. Which leads to everyone recognizance of his talents, including himself. He will tend to continue his domination. His talents and self-confidence will be ever growing as others will consult him when they face difficulties in Mathematics. Giving him more experience in terms of exercise. Not to mention that teacher will shade light (pay more attention) to those who has done well.Vice-versa for the poor fellow those did not did well at first, Eventhough his talents might actually be higher than others. He and the others didn't thought so....
And, Polarization happens in a gang as well. In this case, the quiet person grow more quiet. And now I find myself rarely speak to other members in the gang other than dinner based topics. They tends to neglect me as well to continue their gossips...
That, is the cycle, I want to break ....
Adapted well...
In words of Biology, I would say I colonized this new and foreign area. The new live I am have here is an improvement (at least in my sense). I have shifted my live to a more studying orientated. With the aid of time and space, their are now (I believe) incorporated to my habits. Which technically means, I find my time here more easy and relaxing.......
Though, a few things I didn't like is that I didn't manage to update my blogs regularly. Who I am tricking here, half hour per day is not much, and I can afford it. What's more, my live and experience here actually gave me lots of idea to write from. I just ain't sure where to start...
So, blogging will probably changed ( but still, don't expect daily updates)...
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Conflicting Views
During our journey, I believe the usage of mouth is significantly more than the usage of legs for some of us. They just talk, talk and talk. It surprise me that they never run out of topic, which ranged from weather to interesting facts they find about of others. I didn't get to input much as most the time they are referring to someone in their high school, mostly girls ( They are from same high school) ...
Typical Guys, I don't really know what I feel about them sometimes....
But they bump into meaningful stories occasionally, which draws my attention. Here is one stories that I find interesting...
"One day, A went to a famous restaurant to enjoy his diner. It is a hot pot meal he was having with his friends. A young waiter that was serving them accidentally spoil a lot of oil onto the hot pot, which resulted in a small explosion. A's clothes got burned, his table of food was ruined. The boss the of restaurant only offered to cover some medical fees ....."
What will you do, if you are A.....
A and his friends did not pursuit for more, even though they clearly deserve more. He said that the young waiter had been scared, he had been shivering since the incident occur. It is clear that this is just an accident, an unlucky them for them. He even continue his dinner with his friends on another table. Although he never went to the restaurant again after that..
Hearing story alone is enough to cause B to jump, he immediately tell A how stupid he is ( It doesn't sound that bad, at least he sounds like advise and joking, not scolding). He said he will surely fight for it, and probably would not leave until the incident got solved the way he want. To further strengthen his position , he even tell if a story to describe what length he is willing to got into to get things done - He aid his friend to storm into a restaurant to scold loudly at peak hours to find justice.
"It seems wise", said C. He said that A have made a wise choice. It is good for both sides. The most important part is that A doesn't make a new enemy. Doing things the B's way will probably make that day a bad day (not just mere unlucky) and you will have one more enemy...
For me, I would probably just accept what the restaurant offers, would not ask for more. But I wouldn't continue to have my dinner there. This is a day that is bad enough, I don't want to worsen it. The worst victim of this incident is probably the waiter, who had blamed himself enough (as no one is hurt in this case). If I burst out the anger, argue for more, it probably will just make the matter worst...
We all have our choices, it is just we are choosing unconsciously most of the time...
Interestingly, we could identify some key component of the characteristic of A, B, C and myself just by looking at these. I can't go into details. But here's some thought
In short, A is a good guy ( Who is willing to sacrifice himself for the good of others) , B is a fellow who stands firmly on his rights ( he crafted himself a few enemies already) , C try to view this problem in terms of friendship ( He have the largest number of friends among us).
I can't seems to identify a clear character in myself.
It is not easy to reflect on oneself.
Maybe I'm the kind that just doesn't want to evaluate the problem , just hate problems?
What you guys think?
Thursday, 6 August 2009
My Greatest Regrets so Far
So, I basically get to recall all my past, and said to myself, What an idiot I have been.Yes, I think this is normal, to criticize yourself, it is a way of evolution and path towards improvement. And after the blaming, we will always have regrets. After all, What is life without regrets? We are bound to make mistake, if and only if we learn from them...
My greatest regrets so far is that I didn't appreciate my time when I graduate from high school. I just trash my time into drain while waiting for an acceptation from a University. I did worked for 1 month and went into NS for 2 and a half months, but that's all.I think I could have achieve so much more if I have treasured my time more. Don't get me wrong, I value these times I spent in teaching and NS. Infact, I had learn and grown a lot during those time, but it's just not enough. The knowledge that I gained during my high school slowly fade away while I'm busying with dairy life. Worst of all, I have to relearn them again.....
Ever have some part of life that you couldn't recall clearly, no matter how hard you try? No, how can you be thinking about Alzheimer's Disease ( Or it is that I'm the only one?) . Do you believe that it is a blessing to be able to forgot?
In my case, I have pieces of memories started from age of 3, vivid experience kick in around 4-5 years old. But I also have a gap of memories during my high school. Even after 6 years in it, I felt a great void in it. There are quite a few years where I have no memories of, except a few friends and a certificate. It is as if nothing exciting happened during those time in my life - everyday is exactly the same. Having experience nothing and same, the feeling of numb expands, which turns me into a 'Zombie'.
Then again, this is life, we're the result from our past. Without these issues to trouble me, I would not come to this point- a point that I find satisfaction. I believe it is our mistakes that mark our growth, not our achievements.....
Sorry for the delay, I wrote these as draft two days ago, but didn't do any checking or reediting until now....
Monday, 3 August 2009
Three strangers
I will proceed from the best
Though the first kind of stranger that I'm going to talk about is not going to make you feel bad, but they still definitely bring out something negative (why am I so negative?). The negative feeling? It is the feeling of loss, feeling of regretion as if you have done something wrong. That some part of you have been left behind. There strangers weren't always stranger, heck, they might once been a major part of your life. Yup, that's right.They are the old pals and friends that have been out of touch for too long. The fortress of friendship build by you and him/her can't stand the erosion of time - You both might have already changed into another person. But generally, it is easy to restore connection if you are proactive about it.Agree that this is the best ? Good..
Oh wait, you can't compare yet....
The second one wasn't that bad as well. They are strangers that you meet frequently, and they didn't make you feel bad. It is just that, they are harder to approach then normal strangers. I'm still considering if I should categorized them into stranger club. Wait, you don't even know their name, they should then definitely be put into stranger group. But these strangers are not totally stranger, because you will probably be able to recognize their face. Feeling confused ? There is more to come...
Here comes your living nightmare, the reincarnation of your trauma. You might have gone through a full scale war with this fellow, hot or cold doesn't matter. His/Her appearances is enough to cause a great disturbance to your little world. You probably want to avoid this person at all cost. This situation is most common, to the extent that I think I should let your mind wonder alone...
There is enough stranger in the world already. Thus, if you stranger list is increasing after \ the increment of population ( I know that the population is growing), you might need to do something about it.
I purposely leave the second stranger undefined.
If you could give a nice definition and name for it,
you will be awarded a chance,
to choose the topic for my next writing....
Dead line :5 August 2009
Submit by comment.
I will be the judge....
And there will only be one winner...
Terms and Conditions does apply for the topic....
I still have some secret and undisclosed information I want to keep....
he gave me this, a philosophy from Bruce Lee (Chinese Version).
Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. when you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. It is has amazing characteristic of flexibility, adaptability, collaborative, and it would not use brute force as a resolve to confrontation.
●水虽然具有非常的忍 耐性,但它有时又能显得无比强大:有时它的力量足以轻易推动巨石。因此一个镇静如水的人,可以凭借其强大的内在力量对付一位嚣张自负的挑战者。
Water are able to tolerance everything, yet sometimes it is incredibly strong : At time, it can move a giant stone with ease. Thus, a person who is still as water, can use it's strong inner energy to fight against an arrogance opponent.
●水,当它 静止时是如此澄清,而一旦它汹涌、咆哮时,它又变得那样的浑浊而具毁灭性。当我们心灵宁静时,我们的思想是最清朗的,并且能够极好的自我控制。
When water is still, it is crystal clear. But when it is roaring, raging, it become a chaos of destruction. When your mind is clear, your thoughts will also be clear. This will lead to a high self-awareness level.
●水,能够 无视重压而前行。它流过篱笆、流过基底而毫无褪色。它永不分离,没有分裂结帮的派性,在任何情况下都是平等互助的,可以在地球表面的任何物体上流动。
Unstoppable by any obstacle, water may deluge itself to move through trenches, pass through base, yet it's color doesn't change. Water will never separated, as there is no separatist within. it's internal structure aid itself under every circumstances. Thus, the mutual assistance they achieve sustain them throughout it's journey.
●如果你与水协作,那么水就是你的朋友,如果你反击它,那么它就会变成你的敌人。一个充满恐惧、惊慌不安的人如果落入水中,极有可能会沉没;而一个平静的 人在水中则可能因水的托力而上浮,正如现实中,如果人们彼此抗争、敌视,那么他们将会旋入无底地冲突、猜疑和憎恨的深渊之中。只有那些高尚守信的人们,才 能够彼此更适应,而更加和平地相处。
If you are in collaboration with the water, then water is your friend, if you counter it, then it will become your enemy. If a fear, uneasiness person fall into water , he will most likely be drown to death. While a calm person will use the buoyancy of water to float. As in reality, if human fight against each other hostilely, they will then throw themselves into a bottomless pit. Only those noble and trustworthy people can adapt and live together in peace.
Be water, my friend...
Translate using Google translation, I just do the tuning part....
But I think everyone have their own version of translation,
based on the way they perceive their live...
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
A lot of fundamental appears to be too basic, thus we generally ignore it or take it for granted. Yet, as physicist seek to learn the extreme, the foundation remains undiscovered. For example, while we have tons of application for energy, yet still we could not define it or explain it. This may be an interesting path ...
Good stuff
Now that I'm officially in Chemistry and Physics (both in semester 2), I have one less thing to worry. My time table is set, and I'm ready to go. Current task swap to do my best in all the subjects I have taken. Which means I will be very busy for quite some time.
I've met some nice friends, and have quite some fun with them. Some of them even give me some very useful advices. This is good, for my improvement.
Physics assignment 1 was submitted and marked. I didn't score very well. Got 62.5/100. This is due to my misinterpretation of the question 4... This means there is still a lot of room for improvement. Gonna work on it
Things to buy are now 99% done. Except for the bike. That is a relief for me, no need to continue my 'to buy list' unless I'm to resupply my food storage.
Bad day (ii)
I try get my floor Senior Residents but she wasn't around. So I phoned the Duty warden instead. She came and, with some brute force, got the door opened. I finally log a report regarding my door. It gets fixed the next day. A million thanks to Fenner support system.
The moral of the story, solved the issue before it become a problem.
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Bad day (i)
These all happened some time ago, due to my laziness and lack of motivation to post up (keep face). Only now I post them up....
On last friday, I joined the SIGN program, which is a mentoring program. But I didn't fell well during the program. Although I attended, I manage only to eat my lunch ( which worsen it). So, I didn't get to speak a lot or ask my mentor a few question. Luckily, she was kept busy by others mentee. My ordeal was solved after attending the toilet. LoL
After the lunch, I go to the Sports Hall to play badminton. This should be the 5th time I had been playing in Australia. So far, I didn't manage to dominate the field. There is far too many Malaysian and Chinese around, thus this place is full of badminton pro. During my second round, I was partner with another friend of mine. We was on our way to victory, leading them by 10+ points. But in the middle of the match, my racket crossed with his. This crossfire didn't lay waste to mine racket, but he isn't so lucky, I apologized at that instance.. Despite his upset and status of racket, we won.
After walking out the match, he stepped on his misshaped racket and destroyed it totally. I then go fourth to say sorry again. He didn't response to me. The others continue to play while he just refuse to play another game again and sit in the corner himself. In the end, he did accept offers to play, but I could feel his anger when he smashed the shuttle, even though I have yet to face him in a match. Since then , he never talk to me...
On Saturday, there is a Welcoming party for new members of Chinese people association. Originally, we planned to walk there together. I woke up as usual on 6.00am and work on my assignment until 10.30am, yet I haven't received any news. I planned to call them then, but afraid that I will wake them up, I decided just wait for their calls. On 11.20am, ( the party was on 11.30am, I went overtime while working on the assignment) I call their room number, still no responds. I finally decided to call their handphone straight away, and they told me they are on the way....
I ran my way there, running in winter is a whole new experience to me. It feels good, as if the winds were aiding you. The temperature also prevents any sweating and make you feel numb. It's just great experience. But, it soon gets harder to breath with the very cold and very dry air running down my lungs. I found my body opt for a stop very soon. I managed to get there in 20minutes.
For explanation sake, I will set :
The fellow whose racket got busted, he doesn't live in Fenner, yet- A
Another person who live in Fenner Hall, but was one of A best friend all along - B
From far, I saw A sitting on a table. As he is the only person I recognize at first sigh. I walks towards him and talk a bit. Yet again, he gave no response. He buried himself onto his cellphone instead. This is already a day after the badminton incident. The party went well and nice. But my point wasn't on the party. So, skip it...
At the end, we (me, A and B) have to leave early as we have promised our seniors to go Dickson to resupply. We walk back to Fenner, throughout the walk, while there are many talks going, they never speak to me. We (between A, B and me ) never have a words unless necessary since them.
Sigh, so much of a friend, to be only equal to the cost of a racket (or they didn't like me all along) .....
Yes, while my friends are still in honey moon status, I have already done and submitted my homework assignment. As I joined a semester 2 course straight away, there is not much introduction or some easy cookies to get or to be done.
This assignment took me at least 5 hours to complete a 4 question assignment. Never had I face a homework that require so much time, and even more for only 4 question. Well, they are hard, but that isn't the main issue, eventhough they are tough and included tons of new knowledge. I completed the calculation and get all the answer in 30 minutes. They all require numerous step and incorporated a few laws/theory which are new to me. I find myself referring to the textbook and web while doing it. Still, I learn the concept and it was done.
Now, where did I spent the other 4 and half hours? I think I had to the least spent 4 and half hours to write down step by step and explanation into Mathematica. The explanation the lecturer require is tremendous. We are required to split the answering into 5 major steps.
Namely, Focus the Problem, Identify the Physics, Plan the solution, Execute the Plan and Evaluate the Solution. He recommended at least half a page for every single section.
It was a tough and time-taking task, but I found myself enjoying. Explaining things this way might be a huge pain but I found that the explanation really helps. It is just that the time passed way too fast when I'm on it.
I faced several problem while trying to answer. Mostly because I don't know how to use the program - Mathematica. I had just installed this program for 2 days and know nothing about it before this. It's text arranging seems to be way off for me ( now, I only have a slight clue about it's arrangement). Most importantly, I couldn't get the plot graph function working. Try as I might, (after skimming through the manuals and web intro at least twice) I still failed. Luckily, this shouldn't be much of concern. As it is only a single section in question 4.
So, physics assignment is very taxing and will be encountered by me weekly. The lecture is to give a homework assignment every week ! I Just hope that other courses would not do the same...
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Chapter 3, Choices
*Somehow I always love making these intro...
*They must have somehow make me feel intelligent. Haha JK
Well, I have another options today. Which is dropping my Math1005 and taking up Chemistry. Should I do so?
Math1005 is just an extra I took because I did not realize I can pick Chemistry at that moment time. And guess what, Math1005 are on Sets today (not reviewing). A U B, A \ B all those which I think is covered in UEC on form 3 ( not sure). I was again, just trying to stay awake and stare at the lecturer. ( Maybe learning things before hand isn't such a good idea)
Chemistry was one of my favorite. I intend to pick Chemistry for interest sake. But I was told that picking Chemistry means joining Semester 2, thus killing this options from the start (for Physics I still get the options to consider). But now my friends, open another door for me. He told me it is possible to jump into chemistry.
Liking isn't everything. But here's more .It give me more choices. I get to pick what to major in later. Or maybe Major and minor. Not on one death end road to physics. I get more variety also. Did I mention that two maths are actually boring.
Yes, I'm in advanced physics 2. They are recovering UEC physics mostly, only meet with new things occasionally . The lecturers and way of teaching is interesting though. I enjoyed myself there.
So, the question is, should I or should I not?
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Day 2, Time does fly...
I believe I'm a prime example today, awaking at 6.30am and sleeping at around 12.30am (I haven't actually sleep yet, just estimation). So my awaken hours is 18 hours. Sound a lot? Yet it is 12.00am now and I did not manage to get a lots of things done. Things like revision on physics for myself.
Snoozing, is the words to be used, I believe, to describe the condition I'm from 6.30am till 7.30am. Although I were awaken, my laziness casted me into play dead mode for that hour. More sleeping couldn't harm, I could have just turn off the alarm and continue sleep. But it gets worst as I couldn't sleep well after awaken, because some part of my consciousness keep telling me to wake up. So I was between waking and sleeping for that 1 hour.
After 30 minutes of Breakfast and bath. I went down there for Fenner bus. Which allowed me to arrive at ANU around 8.30am. Then , I only manage to bought one notepad and deal with the 2nd hand physics book. (The dealing gone well, except he need to repeat a few times while on phone, as I couldn't understand him - I think I need to turn up the volume).On time management issue, there should be more things to be squeezed in there, but I just kindda slack it off.
9am I went for a nice workshop, Althought the topic is speaking up in small groups. The lecturer just share his exprience as students and tutor with us. Out of topic, but just nice. On 10am, I went to Earth Science first lecture, it was boring. Trying to stay awake is hard enough, although I managed to achieve it.
I enrolled for another workshop on 11am, but I was then informed that it was very similar to the pervious one I attend, so I skipped. Head to the huge library instead. I then tried to find a book from the walls of books (homework for math1005: book review). I also tried to use my computer on-campus.
12.00pm, Math1013, the lecturer was on his rush again. This time I'm barely coping up. Overheard tons of people complaning about it. Someone mention that this must have be one of his first lecturing. I guess half of people have no idea what he's talking about. Luckily, I learnt most in UEC, just need to swap it into English.
1-3pm. Workshop for Essay Writing. I expected something better though. Not learning basic writing,but the engaging into the way of writing that is widely used here. From what I heard, their way of writing is very straight forwards. I wanted to check out their methods, just for curiosity sake ( I won't be equired to writing essays for science). This is because my way of writing is circling around the facts and I'm searching ways to improve it. I guess I would have to do it myself...
Pen off now as I have to sleep. There is just too much to cover, too many things happened in a day. I was trying to write in less details all the time. Yet still one long paragraph is available here. Whats more, Evening - Night were not included.
Monday, 20 July 2009
One busy Week coming right up ! Day 1
Ok, I rode Fenner bus to ANU today. Seems ok, fast, convenience and free. Couldn't ask for more I guess. Attended a few workshops. Which somes are quite resourceful. Yet, there is one particular which is very boring. I think I felt asleep, as did my friends who went with me. These workshop provided some Introduction to the Universities facilities and teach us about time magnament.
PHYS1201 introductory seems rather basic, out of my expectations. Nevertheless, I still need to cope with it and try to achieve outstading results. Focusing on physics am I afterall ( is it grammartically correct?). Math1013's syllables seems to be covered in UEC math. Although not sure yet. But scoring in it shouldn't be a big problem.
I contacted a few sellers on classified ( ANU junk yard: for 2nd stuff). The cheapest price I can get for Physics Matter and interactions is $70, and that's after negotiation. Well, I really need the physics book to get started. For Math1005 and Math1013, no plans were made so far to purchase them. But I will check them out in the library tomorrow just to make sure they isn't useful enough. ( Sound odd) I am also getting bike ($20)and lamp($5). The bike must be extremely old and rustyto be sold for $20 ( with helmets and lock altogether). I will try to inspect it before buying, just to ensure that it works well.
Side Note: A new decent Bike is around $150, lamp is around $20.......
New Pictures
This time it covered more people and places.
Afterall, The Universities course have commence.
It is all taken with my phone (Haven't charge my camera).
But the pictures are still vivid and detailed.
Friday, 17 July 2009
Good News
I don't want to go for some kind of foundation again ( that is why I eluded Taiwan Uni education).
To get my question answered, I went for that professor again, I Stumble all the way into his office.( He gave me a name card last time we meet), ask him if I can have some sort of assessment test, to test my command of physics. If I do well, I would be able to go for semester 2 straight away.But according to him, he is heading to overseas soon. Thus unable to provide me a test. My only hope at that point was to do exceptional well in life physics, and get transferring.
Lucikly, the other person who had faced the same fate with me approach another professor.
He was then allow to take advanced physics for 2 weeks for test, to see if he can cope with the progress or not.
Knowing another options existed, I went for Professor Craig Savage again, telling him about this. I was allowed the same thing after he discussed with the another professor. Yahoo! I will take this opportunity with all my efforts...
Problems regarding my course
I was referred from one to another when enrolling my units. At the end I was passed to a professor in physics, where I find my answers. Because semester 2 doesn't provide advanced physics semester 1 course( the default route that should be taken by any ANU physics student) I would either have to jump in straight in semester 2 advanced physics, or stick to something like foundation for physics this semester ( which is this year).
At that point I actually felt totally unacceptable. Because I can't start my course like usual. Another things that turned my world almost upside down was that In the case I'm taking life physics ( basic physics) I was told that I need 3.5 years to complete my degree. Although the total amount of time I needed to complete honors+ degree is still 4 years.
The professor, Craig Savage lookthrough UEC certificate, I don't think he understand the course I have taken. He then proceed to asked me a few question regarding physics. Which I have failed to give a satisfied answer to him in most case.
Question like, what is the most important point of momentum ( I can't recall the answer now eventhough he told me), I tried conservation of energy, explaining what is momentum ( I was desperate). He doesn't seems satisfied...
Another question is regarding the Coulomb's Law, he wanted to know what is the relation of distance in it. I could only recall it is something like Newtoin Gravitation Law. Thus I take my chances, said it is in square root. ( It should be square, I think I'm totally confused that time, lost my senses). I really should revise my high school syllables beforehand.
At the end, he deemed me not ready for, and ask for me to take life physics. I ain't the only one, another person who has UEC certs also faced similar fate with me. He is taking combined degree, physics and engineering. He said something like you shouldn't be coming in second semester...
So, my options are to take 3.5 years or do extremely well to get tranfered back on course.
Do give some advices...
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
This is probably due to I has not taken a lot and being lazy
Sometime, just being too hustle to carry a camera around...
Especially your pockets are already filled up with wallets, hand phone....
Another thing is, I try to put people for minor role in my pictures.
Infact, I don't really like taking pictures of human.
They shouldn't be messing with the magnificence view I'm about to take.
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
With Internet Connections
and in a totally new area...
I will post those interesting events and things I noticed around,
However, I still need to fill in the blanks that I left behind...
It is quite eventful these days.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Warth of Pain
I would not whack someone unless I had gave repeated warnings or my advise were not hear time and time again. Once I decided to whack someone, I would sometimes call off it during the middle, if I sense that the students had learn his lessons just by the anticipation of getting whacked.
If my final decision is decided to whack. Be prepared for a wrath of full force. Ouch, this will hurts badly . A single hit is usually enough to make those naughty students cry and fear. And I have accuracy problems. Sometimes I critical on a student's arteries. I didn't want it to occur but it happened twice during my reign of ruling, bringing extra pain that cause him to cry through whole lessons.*Whisper Sorry*.
My mother actually was surprise to hear that the students will have to face my wrath in full force. But I ensure her that I will reserve it for last resort, and the students who faced it deserved it.I welcome any parents to "visit" me if they have any problem with that.
A few students who saw the sight of me whacking people were horrified. They said I'm very scary and terror when I unleash my wrath. Luckily, only a dime of them had tasted it. However, till the end of my days, the news of someone going to face my full wrath always strike fear into their eyes and hearts. What a devil I'm....
The End of Teaching Days... period
I had hoped for this day for a long time. Even though this time, I had only gone back to teaching for a total of 7 days, I felt that I had teach them a long way, and had leave my presence there ( bad thing?). As I state in the post before and before, I enjoy my stay there.
As lame as it sounds, I do have some sad and happy moments during the last time. Let's start with the happy ones, I received some gifts again. The students seems to like me and they were reluctance to watch me move along. To the extent that, when they are free or idling, they came to me and keep asking when am I going to their class again. Seriously though, I think they missed my stories instead of me. Sigh...
Another happy thing is that even those students I whacked seems to be grateful. Sure whacking students is pretty normal, it happens all the times. But it's rare for me to whack people.
The last would be that I have improved myself in terms of teaching. Which means a lot area, I were more creative with teaching, more fun , and armed with more patience. Teaching covers a lot of areas, for too many for me to state one by one here.
The sad thing is, on the last lessons with J3B, the class was handed over to me for two times. Normally, they are very good, with good responses and patience. But they didn't pay a lot of attention to the last lessons of mine. All of them were fooling and playing around. Maybe it is because that it is the last two lessons of the day, or that they just don't respect me enough.
But all the less, it is over. I sincerely hope that the students have learn something unique during my "Reign of Chaos". Heh
Lack of updates
been living a busy and hectic live on Saturday and Sunday..
A slackly live on Monday...
Just too damn lazy to write down anything,
Although a lot is going on and off in my head.
Will fill in the blanks later.
When I clear the clouds that cloak it...
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Dizzy.... H1N1 !?
Infact, feeling dizzy since last Thursdays.
A day where I can't sleep well (1st time).
Thanks to mosquito bite,
And my rules not to turn on Air-conditional at night.
( This rule has been around very long)
Sore Throat? Not really.
Since the first day of teaching,
where I scream and sing,
My voice had became the current states.
Perhaps, I screamed too much.
Or maybe, I just can't get myself use to speaking loudly.
Should I get myself check for H1N1?
Went to Tsun Jin High school last Saturday.
Ventured into S1S1 (Don't ask me why).
Considering canceling all the activities...
But I don't have fever, vomit, sneeze or diarrhea.
Maybe I'm over-reacting?
Still, should be teaching tomorrow,
pray that I'm not infected.
I don't want to infect anyone,
or become the death-bringer (virus-carrier) into the school...
It is decided then...
Yes, that is actually 1 more days than the amount I promised last time ( 25/6-2/7). But well, the school seems to have issues, If I leave after Thursday, Some students will be teacherless. That's, very very bad.
Even So, after my leave on 3/7, the problem isn't solved. The school will still have to find a substitute teacher to replace me ( LoL, substitute teacher also need replacement ). The vice-headmistress asked me to stay, but I issistted to move on, I just couldn't care that much anymore.
How come so many SJKC is facing the problems of lacking teachers? It seems that noone like to be a teacher nowadays, even when they don't have a choice. As far as I know, there are plenty of people who are more qualified (At least in terms of Acedamic) than me, and jobless. Yet they never consider being a teacher. Is It that the wages is too pathetic ? How the society come to a point that only money matter?
Indeed a teacher doesn't get paid well. But he/she's lack is repaided in others form. It is a joy to stimulate others growth, the joy to share your experience. Ok, maybe people are more self-centred. But it aid in your personal development also. Infact. teaching improves far too many areas, like being responsible, sharing, self-confidence, people managing...
It is, by far, among the most benefitial jobs around us...
Paradox... 30/9/2009
The students' hunger for stories never to be fulfilled.
Their growth, the responsibilities and burden,
Is on me, a mere high school graduates.
I seriously doubt I can teach them well,
Let alone guide them forward...
Just wish that all this will end soon.
And that they had learnt some valuable lessons along...
I do enjoy teaching though..
And, my university live will approaches very soon.
Soon, everything will be unveil...
LOVE STORY meets VIVA LA VIDA - Jon Schmidt
Love Story meets Viva La Vida
Been listening to this songs all the timeSuch an amazing and wonderful piece..
Sunday, 28 June 2009
This Saturday I went to Tsun Jin High School to donate blood and meet up with some old pals, teacher. My father brought us to school very early (around 7.30am) just to avoid the long and boring waiting line. My task is to take my sisters results and donate my blood. Well, not actually taking the results, just lining up early to get the "numbering" ticket. Than sit in there and wait.
It is suppose to be a very easy task, and indeed it is. But later on my friend mother actually call up and asked me to help her to grab a "numbering" ticket on her behalf. Hell, I didn't know anyone that is same class with him, nor even know this friend very well. So, my friend mother plan is that a stranger would go into a totally unknown class, and proclaim himself to be someone, and took the ticket? What? that's unfair to others, they are only able to grab their ticket when they arrive. Why She should be quilified to acquire her ticket in advance.
I struggle for quite some time, deciding whether I should help her or not. But it is hard to turn down someone, especially that someone is a passion mother. Just a little self-centred, she still think what best for herself and her son. And so, I figure that deal couldn't do me any harm ( only mental embarrassment that I cast upon myself ) . So I brave myself and go forward.
The student in charge seems to be in a confuse and awe. But he gave me a ticket anyway. ( I'm sure he will question the friend of mine later on )
to be continue....
Friday, 26 June 2009
asking why I have been such a lazy fellow this all along.
A few days later... "Let's have fun. "
Then , Examination draw near..
And start blaming again..
The cycle continue
Well, I discussed this with my cousin before, regarding the treats H1N1 posted. In my opinions, people over-reacted to this new born virus. Their vision are all too focused on the developments on H1N1, when there are a lot more impending treat just over the horizon.
What I meant is, people are always too observed with short-term treats. In short, they are short sighted. Easily misguided and confused by the surroundings. Maybe the human evolution has evolved to such a point, that we always priorities new born, short term treats. There are so many long-term problems that have plague humans, but only a few could comprehend it, let alone deal with it.
Say, a lot of us only study when the examination is near, although we clearly know that the benefits of long-term study.We don't recognize it until it is very damn near. Only when the problems come to light, we start to deal with it. But it may already be too late.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Day 1 as teacher...
Well, the good news is the teacher I'm replacing for one weeks does not teach much. Only have 3-6 class per day. But, since I'm free and is a so called substitute teacher. I will substitute those class that teachers are absent on that day. It is not all on me, of course... For example, I taught 6 class (each lasted half hour) today. 4 of them is classes from the teacher I replace, the other 2 is substitution classes. Oh,I almost forgotten. I'm teaching mainly Bahasa Malaysia and physical activities ( Why BM again?)...
Well, the students seems to welcome my come back a lot ,but the first thing they always say to me was" Teacher, you cheated us..." . There I go, explaining why and how again.
Have quite some fun, for myself and most of the students. I always wishes the classes could be more than sitting there motionless while listening to brain wash. Adding some stories around also help to stir up the atmosphere. They just love ghost stories, although I would personally prefer those stories with educational values. But I guess they just want to have fun and relax instead of learn to improve themselves. (I would only tell them stories if they behaved well, as a reward.)
It is funny how people love the kind of thrill and immense feelings that ghost stories gives (also applied to others like roller coaster). Maybe live nowadays are too way damn boring that they need these to feel that they are alive again ?
Teacher again....
Might extend if things go wrong. But even if the situation is extreme .The most I can work is only till 8/7. Because my flight to Australia is on 9/7....
The vice-headmistress of the SJCK Tan Cheng Lock phoned me and asked to me to go for this job.She said that they lacked manpower, and those kids need teacher in urgent. I felt like the situation was almost same with what my cousin experience before.
My family stand is neutral in this, so it is up to me to decide. I wanted to learn, to experience somehow of life, of teaching. Although the lazy part of me strongly disagree, I still manage to flush it off after a few moments of struggling...
And guess what, I am regretting it now...haha
There goes my tons of free time.
Luckily, it should only last five days...
Let's make full use of it.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Application for Uni (status)
Hong Kong University of Science : Failed
Taiwan Uni :Failed
Reasons :
In School results was no good ( Infact, I think I did horrible).
How I know ? HKUST and UEC both phoned me,
and told me almost the same thing.
UEC just can't cover over all the three years I wasted.
NUS and NTU : Failed
I don't really know...
5A not enough?
I can't recalled sending my three years of senior results to them
24/6 re-edit
I did sent my three years of senior results to them
maybe that's the reason
The past will creep up someway or another..
Australia National University: Accepted and Enrolled
University of Adelaide : Accepted
New Zealand
Univeristy of Otaga : Accepted
Univeristy of Wellington : Accepted
Do I need to give reasons for being accepted?
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Reporting status..
Because I enjoy keeping whereabouts of me a secret.
And if nobody ask, probably no one is interested.
So why should I keep u guys updated....
My father actually once complained to me.
Asking why I have become a secretive person.
A person who, share little with his friends about himself...
Well, I don't really know why, but I do know one thing.
I like to remain myself a mysterious.
Then Qi Soon called me last weekend,
asking me if the rumor he heard is true,
that I will be departing for ANU in two weeks...
I then realize I kept too much...
even some of my best friends didn't know until now.
I am never a man who like to spread my words.
But I guess I should share a little now...
Continue on Father's Day
After the delicious dinner, we went to Sunway Pyramid to watch movie. My sister insisted to go to Sunway Pyramid because IOI Mall cinema does not have the movie "Night in The Museum 2" up and running (every though she saw it before, she still wanted very much to watch it all over again). So, to Sunway pyramid we go.
Unfortunately or fortunately (depends on from whose perspective you are looking from ), the "NitM2" movie has only a few seats left to buy. We are, afterall one big, six members family. We couldn't squeeze ourselves inside and still be together.What was the meaning of this movie watching if we ain't together? And so, our only resolve were to watch another movie. It was Monster Vs Alien that was up at 10.45pm.
My younger sister, Ming Lin was is a deep depress after knowing that we could not watch "NitM2". I discover it and tried to reason her out of it.(Sometimes, I think I'm too logical..Could I have shut down most of my emotions?) Telling her that is it our only choice. And her only options now is to show a sad face to influence everyone around or to accept the fact and have fun.
(Again this seems a bit too logical.. ppl should be sad after failing to achieve what they want.)
We got around 1.5 hours left to waste before it starts. Thus we went to Popular (book store) and spent almost all our time there. I find it quite interesting that while my sister and me, myself could dive in into the pits of books immediaty and happily, my brother, on the other hand, couldn't. On the contrary, he find it very boring. He keep bugging us to do something else.
Atlas, me, my father and my little brother went to the Harvey Norman store (Tech Store), which was nearby. This solve my little brother boredom...
Seriously, the biggest issue I worry about my family is my brother.He is smart but he lack the motivation to learn, to drive himself forward. Didn't do well in school examinations, didn't pay attention in class..And my family seems partly given up on him already.
The worst part is that I won't be able to look after him when I'm in Aus....
The movie was funny, it brings out a lot of laughter from the audiences. It was successful movie, I would say, to create humor and fun in the atmosphere.I can't complain on anything except it lacked a educational value and lessons to be learnt...
After the movie, we drag our tired bodies ( it is over 12.00am already) home...
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Father's day Celebration on 21/5
I am now afraid that times has eroded some of the details of the trip. That I could no longer write down a vivid picture of those experience. I do sincerely hope that my experience and memories do be able to cope with time. As the content of memo and exp never stop growing.
And today, my family celebrated our father's and mother's day together. Well, did it sound bad?
I could hardly remember the last time my family has such a celebration. But this time, it was great...
We went to kenzai japanese restaurant to eat our dinner. A restaurant where my friend- Jing Ren, works. The food was delicious and most importantly fresh. Nobody can denied the importance of freshness when eating japanese meal. We ate a lot ( I didn't write their name down.. cause I forgotten the names... sigh) and it costed us a lot. Ending total RM178 for 6 person meal, and that is after 10% discount ( it's good to have friends around, haha). We are all full after that ( I think we ordered too much). Nevertheless, the price is reasonable, I guess we picked the right place. Applause to Jing ren for recomending this nice place to me and my sister for bringing up the whole idea..
Continue tommorrow.. it is 1.42am already.... should really be sleeping, I need to wake up to meet up with others tommorrow.
Monday, 8 June 2009
Back from P.Redang and P.Langkawi trip
Missed and gained tons of things.
Could not make myself to badminton for two weeks,
Did not attend steve's birthday (S3S3) gathering.
and many more..
Mean while,
Gone through a trip with Taiwan study group friends to P.Langkawi,
Unlike any other standard trip I went,
It was nice and easy, we play and go at our own pace.
Which means Missing our flight and still have excitement and fun all the way...
Then P.Redang,
A trip made up by combination of three family,
Learn snorkeling, have fun and relaxing.
I'm surprise I could enjoyed the view of the natural scene,
I always thought these enjoyment should be left to those older
Maybe it's because I'm a lot older now...
All together,
Nice and memorable...
Gonna write a more vivid review and thoughts later on
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Only finding that there are tons of unless information out there in internet.
And most free stuff out there is just rubbish (except for news on internet of course)
Tried Google Gook today.To my surprise,
I came across I nice book regarding teaching in the free books sections...
here is the link
Recommended it for everyone who has free time,
or ones who is searching for self improving.
It is a light reading material.
Best of all, it is a freebie.
Thinking about eradicating computer games from my brother,
Considering the possibilities and alternatives...
Update frequence
It's the end of May now...
And my updates, They are not even anything close to monthly.
It's not like I got nothing in my head,
In fact, My life is going on a few up and down curve in these days.
Quite intense...
Guess I have a long way ahead of me to work up my
Self Discipline...
The blog is no longer linkable from my Google account details
Just wondering, should I share it with the public or not...
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
I have just awaken when my father inform me of the news. To my own amaze, this grave news bring me no surprise...My father even repeated the news to me to make sure that I am listening, and there I was. I thought might be no need go to school.
After I bathed and cleaned myself, I was ask to help mom to sent email to inform everyone about this. Then , having a brief what I should do in the school (since mom isn't going) ...
She told me that I don't need to go to school tomorrow. But since it's student examination right now, I wasn't so sure it was a good idea. I ask her about going to school tomorrow again. However, all I get is a quick burst of anger, she said she told me. I just want to make sure...
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
UEC (in short)
1. Relatively short/quick (take about 1 year)
2. Cheap ( Being only more expansive than STPM)
3. Used Chinese as study medium ( For those who like Mandarin)
1. Lots of subjects (at least 7 subjects, while A level/ AUSMAT only have around 4 at most)
2. Used Chinese as study medium ( Not everyone enjoy it)
3. Low Renown ( A lot Malaysian Chinese do not know about it)
4. World-wide recognize (Recognized, yet very very limited)
5. Only a decent scholarships available
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
UEC ( Just My Cents)
First,I would have to stress that it is recognized world wide, yes... But only to a very limited degree. You will require to be the top scorer to be able to do gain a strong foothold for your enrollment in university, said like 8A to get scholarship. Although UEC is not as hard as it is rumor to be, only roughly top 3% have this chances to achieve this kind of result.
Others, who fail to do so well, will simply have to walk an alternative route. As I state it last post, Malaysia national universities don't support/ acknowledge us, This left us with very limited choices. Most of us either go for overseas study ( hard to get accepted ) or go for local private ( commercial ) collage.
Taking aside the local private collage, lets talk about world wide recognize first, we have Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan in our bucket.
For Australia, results, comparing to money, is relatively a mirror factor. You need not to have a lots of As to study in Aus, but a whole load of money. UEC canditates generally will have a very tough time getting into Singapore, because comparing to others international regconize exam (A level, AUSMAT, SAM), our requirement to get ourselves considerate seems high. Hong Kong require both the moeny and the results. Our last resoult is China and Taiwan, both is cheap and give additional benifits to overseas Chinese who study there. But only started its course around september and used Chinese as medium to study.
UEC ( As we know)
Why the hell I go type all the things that everyone already know at the first place? Yet I feel a bit waste if I just smash the delete button, so let's keep it just the way...
Now a teacher 21/4
Sigh, Started teaching primary school today. Arrived late because of raining and because we are almost always late. By the way, did I mention that I would be teaching in my mother's current working place, a SJCK. I will add the name later on...
Anything not within my expectation? You will get a clearer list if you ask what is within my expectation. A lot of things, challenges to pop up of nowhere into my life. The Class progression is not going as I was told. I was to go straight into teaching without any preparation. A tons of exersice are awaiting to be marked and distributed.Seems to be fine at first glance, right?
Yet, I am teaching Bahasa Melayu and Science. Bahasa Melayu, can you imagine?
" hhowt is teaching, and he is teaching Bahasa Melayu.... "
A dozens of my friends who know me a bit would laugh at this idea as soon as they hear this
Don't get me wrong, It is not that my Bahasa Melayu is very bad (But,it is just mediocre at best).
At least still enough for primary school. But my writting, my character may as well is the funny thing.
Don't get me started on the students I'm facing.
Maybe I will tell more tomorrow...
Friday, 10 April 2009
Created just to record my dairy thought, experiences, and maybe stories as well. I expected this to be saw by on one - this was meant to be a private spaces.Else I would have used Myspace to record. I will try to write dairy, if not spontaneously, assuming I have things to write. Let's hope I would keep it as a routine, embracing it as a part of my life. Afterall, we, humans couldn't recall a lot of things that happen to ourselves in past, let alone grasping the history of others.
Let this be a mirror, logger, diary and a friends who I can share my stories with..